The Unexpected Gift
by Karlene Kubat

Introduction to The Unexpected Gift

Haunted by personal trauma and by international crises of the 1980s, freelance journalist, Mahta Lind, constantly moves through zones of danger. On a war-torn street in Beirut, she rescues a baby whose parents were killed and whose uncertain future continues to dog her thoughts and dreams. As she travels between friends and lovers and perilous conflicts, memories of her own tragic losses, of the orphaned child, and of the ravages of war all coalesce in a fierce and debilitating anger. On the trail of a missing young lawyer working in Central America, Mahta is captured by government soldiers and held captive. Her journey is one of great personal cost, and her reportage wins her the highest accolade of her profession. But even those closest to her cannot dissuade her from a path of self-destruction until she learns to trust love from an unexpected quarter, and receives an astounding gift.

 1999 Karlene Kubat

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