Qyoo and Anima
by Karlene Kubat

Introduction to Qyoo and Anima

Note: This novel is a sequel to Jurith’s Way, and should be read in that order, for, while it can easily stand alone as an entertaining story, it will be greatly enriched and more readily grasped by reading Jurith’s Way first.

The surgically altered and brilliant Qyoo leaves her homeland, Laom, the renowned android center created by her famous explorer and scientist mother, Jurith. Arriving on the Hustler Planet, she begins teaching at Laurel, the venerated academy of her mother. At an Academy celebration, she meets The Controller, the leader who governs the huge Federation, and she is thrown into confusion as to his true identity. As Qyoo evolves into a prominent mediator, her life and The Controller’s become profoundly intertwined. The two strong-willed protagonists must face the constant dangers and assaults of an unruly realm as they struggle with the powerful influences of their mysterious past.

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